The Canada Goal - Schools Staff Session - Levels Of Engagement

The Canada Goal has 3 Levels Of Engagement when visiting and presenting to schools. From a focused perspective, staff are always engaged as part of the school community as a whole. However, a significant increase in the progress/growth after this initiative can be accomplished by taking full advantage of it.

The following is an overview of the Levels Of Engagement;

The Canada Goal - Level ONE Engagement
This is the most common level of engagement for schools as it is easily accessible, efficient and can easily interlink with many school cultures that are already working for the school community. This level includes the keynote sessions according to the age group (grade levels) of the school.

This level also includes;

An 'outline' of the Staff Session Follow Up & Review that can be self-administrated at the discretion of the school/individual.

The Canada Goal - Level ONE Staff Engagement
At the end of each session schools are presented with page sized posters that represent key slides, visuals and information from the session(s). It takes the brain some time to really grasp, comprehend and translate this information into meaningful, productive habits & routines. Therefore, it is important that staff take the initiative to follow up with students. This can include putting up a couple of key posters/slides in the classroom to help students interlink what they've learned from The Canada Goal and translate this into focused, productive behaviour/attitudes within the school.

Another important initiative for staff and leadership members of the school;

The FOCUS Wall... Putting up posters or other relevant art work from students within the school that will help everyone continue to reflect as a community. It can be discouraging if one or a few classrooms are really finding success with taking ACTION if there are aspects of the school that can appear to conflict or contradict this knowledge. Therefore, the school is encouraged to engage this information/culture as fully as possible, together as a school community.

The Staff Follow Up & Review Outline will be provided to the school as part of the visit and/or staff can make direct contact to request a copy of the session/outline. At this level the outline is intended to give the school a tool to work with as a follow up initiative that can be utilized in the future according to your school schedule/goals/structure. In many cases, it can be very helpful to have this session put forward on the same day by the presenter as outlined below in the level two engagement overview.

The Canada Goal - Level TWO Engagement
This is the most effective level of engagement for schools as it can represent the beginning of a new/refreshed school culture that uses FOCUS to honour each individuals growth potential. This level includes the keynote sessions according to the age group (grade levels) of the school. This level also includes a Staff Follow Up & Review Session that takes place after the keynote presentation(s) to students/staff. This additional staff follow up initiative can be a valuable tool toward creating/refreshing this school culture that is helping students & staff to engage their inner best and growth potential. See below for an introduction and outline.
The Canada Goal - Level TWO Staff Engagement
This level provides an opportunity for the staff to reflect deeply toward engaging this initiative as more than 'just a school presentation' that will come and go... Presenting the information at this level helps to add encouragement and clarity for the staff that take the lead each day. Including the Staff Follow Up & Review Session will help to add more accountability toward how to successfully accomplish The Goal as a valuable ongoing focused group effort. In a short period of time schools can expect to see the growth/progress that has become the focus of The Goal. Within one school year or less the school can develop this ongoing focus as one of the key pillar habits/routines of the school learning culture. The Staff Follow Up & Review Session is also intended to provide an opportunity for everyone to grow together... including The Canada Goal.

The 2 main objectives of the Staff Follow Up & Review Session are:

1. For Staff: To assist staff to internalize this knowledge and translate it into helpful teaching techniques with a desire for growth as a teacher (EA or staff member) similar to what we're asking from the students.
2. For The Canada Goal: It is an honour and a responsibility to travel Canada as one of the best countries in the world for education and freedom. Valuable contributions to the growth of this initiative have come from the feedback and knowledge from the staff on the 'front lines' every day. Staff are encouraged and challenged to be constructive if necessary as they share feedback that can help this initiative to grow. Challenges are the foundation for growth and The Canada Goal embraces this process of growth within this session as an open forum. Through this process, it helps to set the stage/routine for future staff conversations/planning/support to take place related to 'The Goal'.
The following is an overview of the Staff Follow Up & Review Session and an outline of 'The Goal'.
The Canada Goal - Level THREE Engagement
This is the most tactical level of engagement for schools as it can supercharge the likelihood your school will successfully create/refresh a school culture that uses FOCUS to honour each individuals growth potential. This level includes the keynote sessions according to the age group (grade levels) of the school. This level also includes a Staff Follow Up & Review Session that takes place after the keynote presentation(s) to students/staff. This additional staff follow up initiative combined with a stritigic extended one week engagement will help students & staff to engage/visualize their inner best and growth potential. See below for an introduction and outline.
The Canada Goal - Level THREE Staff Engagement
This level will include all aspects from level TWO (most often starting on a Monday) and continue a focused plan of engagement for the remainder of the week. The plan of action will include a dense schedule that will maximise the growth potential from this initiative. The exact schedule will be a combination of specific initiatives/suggestions put forward by The Canada Goal as well as a significant focus toward the overall goals/direction of each unique school community.
A general overview of initiatives from The Canada Goal;

  • Classroom visits; Intended to observe the existing level of focus and growth culture. Then to assist with creating the vision for The Goal and desired school culture. Assistance will be provided in the form of group classroom reviews/evaluations/conversations that will help to create the open forum platform required to keep everyone engaged. Additionally, private student & staff conversations.
  • Student Leadership Team Development/Nurturing; It is important for students to see students taking the lead. A focused effort will be put forward to recruit, inspire and motivate a group of student leaders to continue driving The Goal each day and along the way.
  • Morning Routine/Support Starters; One of the best ways to be in control of your-self is to be aware of your habits/routines. In particular, at the beginning of a new day is a fresh opportunity to get started with a momentum that will drive your mindset of growth and capability. Some creative initiatives will include a main hall morning vegetable juice challenge station, morning workout initiative/segment and a moment for self/group meditation toward a successful day.
  • During School Routine/Support Starters; The main objective is to identify any challenges preventing the success of The Goal. Then creating change in support of The Goal. Some recommended initiatives will include; Health food awareness & implementation, vocational learning options review and protocol failure to comply.
  • After School Routine/Support Starters; This can commonly be referred to as 'our own time...' What we do on 'our own time' can largely impact out habits/routines especially if we're not paying attention (awareness). Therefore, the main consideration is to evaluate and create after school opportunities for everyone that will help influence healthy habit/routine development... even during 'our own time...'
  • Layers Of Engagement; Layers are related to networks with other youth focused individuals/specialists. As part of this one week engagement we can welcome other skilled and motivated teaching initiatives. The main idea will be to set a goal at the beginning of the week, take action, then present the goal as part of the End Of Week Wind-Up Assembly. A couple of examples of layers include
    • Arts & Poster/Signage Challenge; A large part of the success of The Goal is the 'creation' of it... A team of individuals will be given the challenge of utilizing art to display information within the school related to The Goal.
    • Videographer Challenge; students will be given the task of creating, editing and publishing a school video documentary of this process.
    • Musician (Band) Challenge; selected/motivated students will practice their skills as a member of a band with the goal to perform for the school with our support specialists at the end of the week.
  • End Of Week Wind-Up Assembly & Team Building Event; One final recap, review and injection of consolidated focus as we reflect on the successes of goals we accomplished in one week. Team building games and presentations from 'layers' along with a unique surprise or two combined together with the intention to set your school space ship off on a FOCUS journey like never before... May the FORCE be with you... ; )